Myths and Symbols Let me start by saying that I've been very interested in symbology lately. I am at a point where I am pretty convinced that we have evolved to share a common framework for understanding reality that is heavily based upon narratives. We know of all the archetypal stories of good versus evil, of the great king and his usurping brother, of the dutiful warrior, the loving mother, and the wicked witch. We are drawn to these stories so strongly that Disney is now one of the largest companies in the world. In addition, religious artists have created iconic images, rich with symbolism and meaning, that can evoke powerful feelings when viewed with an open mind. Symbols, myths, and folklore are endlessly entertaining and enthralling. They are creations that capture our shared human nature and experience and remind us of who we are. The Tree of Life Within the context of this new-found appreciation for the classic myths and symbols of the world, I came up with a mathema...
To bring together in thought, compare, and dicuss.